Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Women's History Month: Celebrate Your Womanhood!

Hillary Clinton. Reese Witherspoon. Joyce Meyer. Wendy Williams. Ida B. Wells-Barnett. Rosalind Brewer. Esther (in the Bible). Sonia Sotomayor. What do all of these women have in common? Other than being some of my favorite people in history (lol), these women were/are trailblazers in their own right! They are highly intelligent, resilient, courageous, witty, confident, and embraced their womanliness! Further, they are/were not afraid to speak their minds and stand up for what they believe(d) in.

Man! I Feel Like a Woman! made popular by Country music icon Shania Twain (also a personal favorite :-) is a song that epitomizes female empowerment. The catchy lyrics and infectious melody earned Shania crossover success - challenging women everywhere to be bold, to embrace femininity, and most importantly: to not be restrained by society's expectations of how a lady should think, feel or act.

One of my favorite lines from the song is, "I want to be free .. to feel the way I feel."  So many times as women we are bound emotionally and psychologically, not being able to express ourselves as individuals. Many of us have felt devalued or unimportant. As a result, we have become withdrawn or silent in so many ways.

In celebration of Women's History Month, I encourage you to embrace who you are as a woman! Do not be afraid to express your thoughts, to share your gifts and talents, and to "have a little fun" from time-to-time. Whether you are a daughter, friend, wife, sister, or mother, one thing is certain: YOU ARE WOMAN, so be proud of it!

Do not silence your voice, but instead empower and inspire others with it! Your voice matters and can/will make a difference in someone's life!

Remember: You are beautiful. You are strong. You are beloved. You are totally awesome!
It's time to show the world what you are truly made of! 

Want to learn more on how to discover the person you were always meant to be? Check out I AM  by Des Taylor on Amazon.com TODAY!

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